.............., Mallika, Other, Denkendorf


73770 Denkendorf, Germany
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This want ad has already been closed.
Due to the new legal regulations, the sale is subject to the exclusion of any warranty, guarantee and return. As this is a private sale, I cannot accept any guarantee under the new EU law. The buyer agrees to this and recognizes this with his purchase! Return, withdrawal, reduction or renegotiation are excluded and will not be recognized because every interested party had the opportunity to inspect the item before purchase. According to the new EU law, this addition must be included under every online (auction) sale, otherwise the seller is liable for the goods sold for six months or one year, even as a private individual.

I offer NO guarantee and NO warranty and exclude the right of exchange.

Information provided to the best of my knowledge.
PayPal logo accepted.

MallikaFlag DE

73770 Denkendorf, Germany

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edit_calendar User since 2023
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checklist_rtlBillyRiderAD-ID: 212195
Last update: 20/01/2024
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